Our Vacancies
Back to VacanciesInclusion/Intervention Teacher
We are looking for a dedicated, committed and ambitious teacher who would like to make a tangible difference to the life chances of students who are currently facing significant barriers to accessing the ordinary available curriculum offer at KPHS. We are in an exciting time in our journey as a school and are currently developing and growing our own internal alternative provision known as our Personal Pathways Provision (PPP). The reason that the name is so important is it explains the vision for the provision: to provide a personalised curriculum offer with the ambition to re-engage and re-integrate students with our ordinary available provision and the school as a whole. The ambition for these students is also to reduce their number of fixed term suspensions and ultimately prevent them from being permanently excluded. The barriers that these students face will mean that they are likely to have SEMH and will therefore be on the SEND K register. The school has inclusion at the heart of its values and sees this group of students as an important part of its school community. As we say here at Kingsway "you don't just attend, you belong". This statement is never truer than if you are finding things tough and you need our support and guidance to get you back on track.
The successful candidates will not be on their own in this endeavour. They will be supported by staff from our additional needs team including senior leaders, specialist TA, SEND practitioners, behaviour mentors, and a PPP lead who will guide and organise the provision and student timetables/integrations. This will mean that you will be able to concentrate on the main things of forming positive and trusting relationships with our students while delivering a curriculum to small groups of students so that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to re-engage.
Finally, with this role being based in a mainstream school, it means there will be wider opportunities to become involved in delivering and supporting intervention within the core subject(s) in the mainstream. This will be a fantastic opportunity to gain additional skills, variance, and rest bite within your working week. We will support the successful candidates to personally and professionally develop inline with one our foundational beliefs in investing in and supporting our staff.
We look forward to hearing from you
Job Specification
Any Questions?
For further information about this vacancy please contact us using Ref: KPS.